Our Projects McLean Blvd. This project consisted of the relocation of approximately 4500 feet of water main in various…demosite008November 5, 2022
Our Projects Danada Watermain Danada Watermain Extension and Plumbing Improvements Installed approximately 4,800 LF of new watermain, abandon 2…demosite008November 5, 2022
Our Projects Taylor Ave. Basin Complete infrastructure rehabilitation of 7 village streets in the Lake Ellyn area. Project Components: Storm…demosite008November 5, 2021
Our Projects LAKE MICHIGAN WATER PROJECT The Central Lake County Joint Action Water Agency (CLCJAWA) was formed in 1986 to provide…demosite008September 4, 2020
Our Projects Reconstruction and Widening of Mannheim Rd. This project involved the installation of over 40,000 LF of storm sewer piping ranging…demosite008September 4, 2020
Our ProjectsUncategorized Sanitary Sewer – Ridgeland Ave. In this project, Trine Construction Corp. replaced an existing 18” sanitary sewer with a brand…demosite008January 20, 2016
Our Projects Bloomingdale Trail AKA “606” This construction project involved the conversion of old railroad grade to pavilions and trails…demosite008January 20, 2016
Our Projects Chicago River Walk Expansion The successful completion of this enormous project resulted in the beautification of the already gorgeous…demosite008January 20, 2016
Our Projects Sanitary Sewer – East Dundee Install 8 IN sanitary sewer to replace an existing main along the south side of…demosite008December 3, 2015
Our Projects Raw Water Collection Main – West Chicago This construction project involved the installation of approximately 10 miles of raw water collection main,…demosite008November 11, 2015
Our Projects Hillside Ave. Basin Removal and replacement of bituminous surface Roadway pavement patching Removal and replacement of curb and…demosite008November 11, 2015
Our Projects Water Main Improvements 3,500 FT 8 IN and 12 IN water main Pavement restoration Fire hydrantsdemosite008November 11, 2015