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Pumping stations are facilities including pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one place to another. They are used for a variety of infrastructure systems, such , and the removal of sewage to processing sites


At Trine, our extensive experience includes building and constructing various Pump Station facilities. We have built Pump Stations to handle sewage, surface water and stormwater,  the drainage of low-lying land, as well as as the supply of water to canals and rivers. We have installed/repaired intakes, infiltration galleries, combined aquifer and surface water intakes, riverbank filtration systems and openwater intakes. These intakes have ranged in capacity from several thousand gallons per minute (gpm) to over 150,000 gpm, including intakes constructed in alluvial and cohesive soils, bedrock and mixed-face conditions.

Built for municipal and industrial customers, our Pump Station Construction Services have adressed surface water intakes include conventional river bank structures with mechanical screens, submerged pipe intakes with static screens and tunneled intakes with drilled “tap” connections into the lake or river bed. By their very nature, these projects call upon all of our skills and experience in cofferdam construction, shaft excavation, underwater blasting, excavation and marine pipe installation, and the actual pump station construction itself. Our capabilities also include large, deep vertical shafts, heavy concrete work, hard rock tunneling, marine work and intake pipelines common to large intake construction.

Our specialized construction techniques incorporate trenchless technology for sinking/building the reinforced concrete caisson that serves as the wet well pumping station, and for installing the intake line(s) that deliver water from the surface water source into the caisson. This technology minimizes disturbance during construction and operation, often simplifying the permitting process.

Our experience ranges from very architecturally complete pump stations to pre-fabricated FRP and pre-engineered metal pump rooms. We understand the large pump station environment with sophisticated SCADA automation and redundant electrical services. TRINE has the pump station experience for the municipal, power and industrial customer includes deep structures constructed in earth, rock and marine excavations utilizing sheeting and cofferdam systems.

Large, deep vertical shafts and all types of heavy concrete construction are self-performed by TRINE. Our pump station experience includes direct intake and screening designs, remote intake with raw water pipeline or tunnel to the pump station and direct pumping from deep shaft intake.

Contact us for a quote — we’re excited to help your project succeed.